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01 Overview

the one pager movie website for “Smurfs in new york” was designed to be visually appealing, informative, and engaging for the target audience. The website’s design reflected the essence of the movie and was created with a focus on user experience and accessibility. The website provided an easy and intuitive platform for users to learn about the movie, its storyline, characters, and making it an effective marketing tool for the movie.

02 Problem

The primary challenge faced while designing the website was creating a balance between providing enough information and not overwhelming the users with too much information. The target audience being families and children, it was crucial to provide information in a clear and concise manner without compromising the visual appeal of the website.

03 Solution

To address this problem, I focused on creating a clear hierarchy of information. The website’s layout was structured in a way that provided essential information on the top, followed by more detailed information. The hero section of the website consisted of a full-screen image of the Smurfs that grabbed the user’s attention and provided a brief introduction to the movie. The subsequent sections provided information on the storyline, characters, in a concise and clear manner.

To make the website engaging and interactive, I incorporated animations and illustrations that reflected the playful and lively nature of the Smurfs. The website’s typography was chosen to be legible and easy to read, making it accessible to users of all ages.

To further enhance the user experience, I added a call-to-action button that directed the users to watch the trailer. This feature ensured that the website served as an effective marketing tool for the movie.

04 Wireframe

05 One Pager

06 Style Guide

